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How To Check If Your Website Turned Into An Ancient One

How To Check If Your Website Turned Into An Ancient One

Most certainly you invested a lot of time and resources into your website design and development process, regardless when it was built. But, as you may have noticed, things are changing fast, as technology advances at an incredible speed. If your website is already a couple of years old, there are high chances for it to be considered a relic, if you haven’t made any consistent changes in recent days. How to check if your websites turned into an ancient one? Just take a look at the following aspects, and see if they are present or missing from your website. Based on the symptoms you find, you will determine whether your website needs an urgent revamping.

1. It is possible to update and edit your site when you want?

Back in the days, when information didn’t travel that fast and when updates weren’t that frequent, updating and editing the site was done with the help of professional web developers. But, because modern websites need to offer something new all the time, content management systems were created, enabling website owners to make the edits and updates on their own, whenever they want, without being computer whizzes. If you can’t do updates and edits this way, you definitely need a change.

2. Is your website supportive when it comes to mobile devices?

The number of mobile device owners that access the Internet is already close to 50% of the total number of people that use the Internet, and it is expected for these numbers to keep growing in the near future. Also, search engines like Google are not very happy when they come across a site that is not mobile-friendly, so this is another change you need to have in mind.

3. How interactive is your site?

Can your customers send inquiries to your team, concerning various things they want to know about your products or services? This should be easily done through an online form or through instant messaging systems. It is your choice how you do it, as long as you provide your potential clients and current customers an easy way to interact with your company.

4. Can you extract data from your site?

In present days, websites are capable of providing valuable information about your website’s performances, so you can check how your marketing strategies are evolving. If you can’t collect any data from your website, through Google Analytics or other methods, you definitely need to resurrect your website. Or you can hire a web marketing consulting company for the better results and services in SEO and marketing.

5. If the site is indeed ancient, what can be done?

Did you come to the conclusion that your site is severely outdated? First of all, before jumping in making any changes, decide upon the things you want to be achieved by your website. Then, you will have to check your competition and see what they have to offer because you need to come up with something better, fresher, and more interesting. And, finally, do some research to see what style of website best suits your company and business. Once you have answers to these aspects, you can start rebuilding your website, adding the previously mentioned features as well.

If you are looking for any web solution then you are at the right place, we provide the solutions for responsive website design and Seo services and in technologies, we provide iPhone app development, PHP web development, WordPress website development, Magento and much more. So, we have the solution for your every issue.

Contact us today for any query or send a free quote at

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